Please don't take up bandwidth with stuff that you can just post a link to. / You Know
You Know
JoinedPosts by You Know
by You Know ini don't have a clue how a computer works.
i just turn it on and point and click and i am able to do what i need to do, unless of course something goes wrong, or in the worst case scenario if my little machine experiences the dreaded blue-screen crash, then i am really in a mess.
that is the way the financial system is for most people.
by You Know ini don't have a clue how a computer works.
i just turn it on and point and click and i am able to do what i need to do, unless of course something goes wrong, or in the worst case scenario if my little machine experiences the dreaded blue-screen crash, then i am really in a mess.
that is the way the financial system is for most people.
You Know
IF the DOW was to drop to 2,000, I would not become nervous or expect the end. The DOW, in my opinion, should be around 2,000 anyway.
The DOW is just the most visible symbol of the global financial system, but it is a very important part nonetheless. The issue is not where the DOW should be, it is a question of how far and how fast it falls. A rapid drop to that level you suggest, or anywhere near that, would be catastrophic. One of the reasons is that much of the money invested in the stock market is highly leveraged, which means that big investors would not only lose their own money, but that they would wind up owing their creditors, who in domino fashion would quickly find themselve in a bind.
Look at the situation now with the case of World Com filing bankruptcy, first you had their stock cratering to 6 cents, now you have JP Morgan sheepishly coming forward and muttering something about holding 16 billion dollars worth of worthless World Com debt. That's a huge potential loss that could take them right down---all 26 trillion dollars worth of derivatives and all---(that's two and a-half times the U.S. GDP for Crazy Drunk.) The whole system is a giant pyramid of debt that cannot tolerate very much turbulence without crashing and cannot sustain itself without constantly piling on more and more debt. There has to come an end game of sorts. I suspect that the reason for the present sell off is that some of the big boys are already in trouble and they are frantically trying to unwind their stock positions and selling short in a desperate bid to save themselves.
Like I said, itis going to get real interesting, soon, very soon. In fact, I think it's positively fasicnating to watch the whole deal coming down. It has been compared to a slow motion train wreck. It's hard to turn away from the horror of crunching twisting metal and slowing flying debris. / You Know
by minimus inevery book that is published, every magazine written ,highlights the hebrew scriptures as opposed to the you think it's because most christians stress christ's words and jw's need to be different?
You Know
Do you think it's because most Christians stress Christ's words and JW'S need to be different?
That's not true. Christ himself NEVER quoted from the Greek Scriptures because they didn't exist then. However, Christ quoted the OT dozens of times. Furthermore, the NT writers quoted from the OT hundreds of times. Since they were without dispute the very foundation of Christianity, and they liberally used the Hebrew text, how is it that Christendom considers it as relatively insignificant, even producing abbreviated versions of the Bbile that only contain the NT and Psalms? We need to be different because the others are WRONG! / You Know
by You Know ini don't have a clue how a computer works.
i just turn it on and point and click and i am able to do what i need to do, unless of course something goes wrong, or in the worst case scenario if my little machine experiences the dreaded blue-screen crash, then i am really in a mess.
that is the way the financial system is for most people.
You Know
Crazy Drunk says:
While it may not be a FEDERAL INSTITUTION, it is part of government.
That is not true. The Federal Reserve is only nominally controlled by the federal government in that the governement appoints the govenors. That though is only window dressing because the Fed basically tells the government who they should appoint. The link you provided says that no one owns the fed. That is a lie. Besides, if it were a federal institution the American people would own it. It is absurd that the largest bank in the world isn't owned by anyone. The fact that the fed says that no one owns it is their backhanded way of saying that they are privately owned.
By the way, GDP is about 10 trillion, not 7 trillion as you previously stated. / You Know
by You Know inthe dilemma facing apostate jehovahs witnesses, or apostate dubs, as i have dubbed them, (no pun intended) is the very fact of their seeming success.
one of the great ironies of the apostate movement, that presumptuously boasts of "know the truth about the truth," is that apostates themselves are bound by the watchtower's own interpretive shortcomings, and hence are massively ignorant of jehovahs judicial decisions regarding his organization.
in that the presumption in operation is that if enough scandal and error can be brought to light regarding the governing body, the watchtower society's teachings, as well as individual jehovah's witnesses, then that somehow means that jehovah's witnesses have no connection with jehovah god.
You Know
I am asking you to defend your faith in the WTBS as that organization using ONLY the bible.
First off, the WT is largely a pubishing company, so it is not really Jehovah's organization. Jehovah's organization, as I pointed out, is a spiritual organization. Nonetheless, the Watchtower is at the center of that organization at the present time. So, in the previous thread I provided a few reasons why I think Jehovah's Witnesses are the real deal based upon the fact that we recognize Christ as our leader. Here's what I wrote:
"Since Jesus is the only true leader of Christians, and since we believe that he in not an impotent king, in that he is able to impose his will upon the lives of his willing servants, we should be able to determine who is, and who is not, under Christ's headship. Simply put, true Christians are those who obey Christ as their king. From what I see, Jehovah's Witnesses earnestly endeavor to obey Christ. For example, Jesus said 'Go, and preach about my kingdom.' Jehovah's Witnesses do that. Jesus said we must not be part of Satan's world. We are not. Jesus said to put away the sword. We have. Jesus said we must love Jehovah our God with all our heart and mind. We do, at least we try. Jesus said that we must be willing to give our very lives for his cause. Many of us have, and will yet."
Is there any teaching in the bible that would specifically instruct people NOT TO FOLLOW organizations such as the WTBS based solely on their teachings? If the organizations own teachings are the stumbling block, how can they be "God's Visible Organization" on the earth?
The WT has served God's purpose in that they have performed sort of like John the Baptizer, in that they have introduced us to Jehovah God and his Messiah, Jesus Christ, with the urgent call to repent. They have acquainted us with the vital issues confronting us regarding God's sovereignty and his determination to rid the earth of wickedness, as well as alerting us to the numerous spiritual dangers that Satan's world presents to our faith. The paradox is, though, that because we have a strong tendency to follow humans, that the Watchtower has apparently, inadvertently, overshot the mark, in that the Watchtower itself has become a religion and has replaced Jehovah God and Christ in the hearts and minds of many. So, I believe that the final test that will come upon Jehovah's Witnesses will be the decoupling of our faith from the Watchtower organization. That will be a traumatic affair for sure.
To better appreciate this phenomenon of Jehovah's judgments, which the Bible plainly says are high up out of reach for many, we might liken the Watchtower to the Mosaic system that Paul said served as a tutor leading the faithful to Christ. The stumbling block for many Jews, though, was that they couldn't separate themselves from their attachment to Judaism when Christ fianlly arrived and Jehovah abadoned the Jewish system. That, my friend, was the paradox, in that the very thing that served as their reliable guide could also be their undoing if they placed undue importance upon it. So, while the Watchtower has similarly served as a tutor, the Watchtower is not the end of our faith. At some point, obviously, the Watchtower will have served its purpose and will be discarded by Jehovah. But the very fact that many of Jehovah's Witnesses have a demonstrable, genuine, child-like faith in God and Christ is evidence that the Wt's tutorship has considerable value.
But, the apostolic warning is: "Do not believe every inspired expression, knowing that many false prophets have gone forth into the world." The fact that faithful anointed ones had to be warned not to believe every inspired utterance would seem to indicate that the seemingly inspired utterances would come from a trusted source. Again, indicating that at some point our faith and trust in Jehovah will be pitted against what the Watchtower says and does, and judging by some of the squirrely stuff going on at 25 Columbia Heights, evidently that inflection point is nearly upon us. Hope that helps / You Know
Edited by - You Know on 22 July 2002 17:2:6
by You Know inthe dilemma facing apostate jehovahs witnesses, or apostate dubs, as i have dubbed them, (no pun intended) is the very fact of their seeming success.
one of the great ironies of the apostate movement, that presumptuously boasts of "know the truth about the truth," is that apostates themselves are bound by the watchtower's own interpretive shortcomings, and hence are massively ignorant of jehovahs judicial decisions regarding his organization.
in that the presumption in operation is that if enough scandal and error can be brought to light regarding the governing body, the watchtower society's teachings, as well as individual jehovah's witnesses, then that somehow means that jehovah's witnesses have no connection with jehovah god.
You Know
I would like for you to present your BIBLICAL evidence that the WTBS or the group calling themselves "Jehovah's Witnesses" is/are God's chosen organization on earth today.
Larc asked a similar question of me the other day, which I responded to here.>>>>
I dont see much point in answering the same thing again so soon.
Is there any BIBLICAL evidence (or reason) NOT to follow the WTBS (or similar groups) based on their teachings alone? (this is irrespective of the current scandals that cause them (the WTBS) to need "cleansing")
Yes, I suppose that there is. In the first century Paul said that both the Greeks and the Jews stumbled over the simple teachings of Christianity because it didnt measure up to their expectations. To the Greeks it was just nonsense because it didnt have the sophistry that the Greeks intellectuals expected from their philosophy. And he specifically said that the teaching of the Christ was a stumbling block to the Jews. Similarly, there are various build in stumbling blocks today that exist to provide people with all the justification they need to reject the truth as actually being the truth.
/ You Know
by You Know inthe dilemma facing apostate jehovahs witnesses, or apostate dubs, as i have dubbed them, (no pun intended) is the very fact of their seeming success.
one of the great ironies of the apostate movement, that presumptuously boasts of "know the truth about the truth," is that apostates themselves are bound by the watchtower's own interpretive shortcomings, and hence are massively ignorant of jehovahs judicial decisions regarding his organization.
in that the presumption in operation is that if enough scandal and error can be brought to light regarding the governing body, the watchtower society's teachings, as well as individual jehovah's witnesses, then that somehow means that jehovah's witnesses have no connection with jehovah god.
You Know
Okay. I thought this thread was long gone. Let me scroll up and see what you are talking about and I will give it a go. / You Know
by You Know ini don't have a clue how a computer works.
i just turn it on and point and click and i am able to do what i need to do, unless of course something goes wrong, or in the worst case scenario if my little machine experiences the dreaded blue-screen crash, then i am really in a mess.
that is the way the financial system is for most people.
You Know
hundreds of trillions of dollars worth of derivatives.LOL!!!! Yeah, the entire GDP of the US is 7 trillion but yet hundreds of trillions are out there floating around! LOL!!!
While "hundreds" is not exactly correct, according to the Bank of International Settlements, which tracks this sort of thing, there are over one hundred trillion of dollars of notional derivatives outstanding. Some think though that the number is considerably higher. That would mean that the only thing that is at this point larger than the derivatives bubble is your own massive ignorance.
/ You Know
by You Know ini don't have a clue how a computer works.
i just turn it on and point and click and i am able to do what i need to do, unless of course something goes wrong, or in the worst case scenario if my little machine experiences the dreaded blue-screen crash, then i am really in a mess.
that is the way the financial system is for most people.
You Know
Hey YK,it appears god wants nothing to do with your filthy organization.So now it`s up to you and the rest of the WBTS supporters to clean up WBTS.
I am quite confident that you don't have the faintest clue what God thinks or wants. Besides, if God doesn't want anything to do with the Watchtower why should I? I think, though, that Jehovah is perfectly able to speak for himself, and as it appears that the present system is about to take a swan dive into an empty pool, we should be hearing from Jehovah shortly. / You Know
Thank you Bobby :)
by Kiiame ini just want to thank you i already thanked others from other religions.
i got a i am so happy, i worked hard for grade.
i feel like coming here i invade a kind of family setting.
You Know
Congratulations on your good grade! Come back anytime. You are always welcome. See ya. / You Know